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Herbal Basics for Beginners


This course will be offered one time live (recording purposes) with bonus support and Q&A.

Those previously enrolled can retake this live class for free. 


Intro to Homeopathy 


This course will be offered one time live (for recording purposes) with bonus support, Q&A, discounted kits etc. You will learn the principles, foundation, origination, laws and various techniques (types) of homeopathy. You will know they are made, what a repertory v a materia medica is and how to use them. We will discuss proving, how to’s, dosing, etc etc.



Staying Healthy for the Season (coming soon)


Want to know what to have on hand in case?  We will cover all the items I have in my mom medicine cabinet and where I get them from.  I will share various recipes for home remedies too.



Weekly Calls (lunch and learn FB group)


Starting in February there will be a weekly call with random topics related to health. 

Come join us!


(link coming soon)

865-333-4554 (phone and text)

©2025 by Tonya Nichols MPsy., MSc., TDN, BSc.. et al. All right reserved.

No statement or product has been evaluated by the FDA and is not a substitute for your medical nor does it diagnose or treat any disease.

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